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Rocki & Lance — Minted




Wedding Party

Sara Murray

Maid of Honor

Sara and I met my sophomore year of college. I was back in Utah on break and visiting some of my high school friends at the University of Utah. There was an immediate draw to Sara, as she is so much fun to be around. I admire that she knows what she wants and puts a plan into action. She’s also always prepared, mostly due to how thoughtful she is. You can always count on Sara to bring your favorite of something, whether it be a coffee, cocktail, or trinket that she saw and thought of you.

I would continue to see Sara when I’d visit home and spend time with her throughout the summer, but our friendship really grew when I moved to San Diego. I encouraged Sara to come visit and she took me up on my offer and did a couple Spring Break trips to San Diego. A few years later she moved to L.A. and we became really close. She’d frequently visit, or I’d take the train or drive up to her in LA. I eventually moved up the coast, and while in Orange County we spent almost every weekend together. We share a love of going places and doing things. We’ve been to concerts, theme parks, Las Vegas, Miami, Mexico, and many sporting events together.

We’ve grown so much in our lives, from our first post college jobs to the successful Boss Babes we are today. Sara is a people person and the best Salesperson you will ever meet. She’s good at her job because she’s genuine, smart, and truly cares about people. She’s launching her own company, and I know it’s going to be successful because of her vision and drive. She’s a big believer in manifesting and has co-manifested some of the biggest events of my life.

Sara has endured endless listening to me about relationships and work, has let me vent but then showed me I had options and supported me in whatever choices I’ve made. When I moved to San Francisco, she drove with me and helped me move into my apartment. She has been there for so many fun moments and celebrations, but more importantly she’s been there for the toughest times of my life with loyalty and patience. I could not ask for a better best friend. She’s the ultimate maid of honor taking her duties seriously and I know we are going to have the best time during the wedding weekend. I can’t put into words what Sara means to me, I’m so incredibly grateful to her. Manifesting that we finally land the best Selfie ever on January 14, 2023. Banger Sisters for LIFE!

Nicole Barvie

Matron of Honor

I met Nicole after my first year in Law School. She was dating my friend Jeff who I had become close to while studying abroad together in Malta. Nicole was always down to hang out and she is one of the best listeners you will ever meet. She wants to know all the details and gets so much excitement while hearing juicy stories, just be careful she has a strong grip when she grabs your arm!

The summer between our 2L and 3L year we decided to move in together. A bomb apartment in little Italy opened up and Nicole knew a close friend that was also looking for a place. This was the epic beginning of Ditsy, Rocki and Barvie (Nicole) living together and the start to our lifelong friendship. While living together we shared lots of memories from dieting and losing weight together to trips to Taco Bell! We’ve come a long way from bootlegging alcohol into clubs, to seeking out the best restaurants to eat or to buying fancy tequila (casa de dragones) so we could make margaritas to celebrate the birth of Natalia.

Nicole has always been there for me, especially when I need someone the most. She’s graciously opened her home to me, allowed me to be a part of her gorgeous girls’ (Victoria and Natalia) lives, and always had a shoulder for me to cry on. I love the most that she allows me to vent and then she reminds me of my strength and boosts my confidence.

True story, Lance and Rocki might not have happened without Nicole’s influence. She encouraged me to go to Las Vegas despite my reservations. She told me to do it for the story and be brave! Then as Lance and I started dating, she encouraged me to define what I want and go after it. She told me to give love a try and fight any resistance or doubt. Her and Jeff’s wedding was the icing on the cake, she allowed me to take a plus one and that wedding solidified to Lance and me that we had something really special. Now she is graciously allowing us to use her same wedding planner to throw our ceremony!

I’m so grateful for our friendship. I could not ask for a better person to be my matron of Honor. I’ve truly looked up to Nicole and how she’s balanced her goals and dreams while building a beautiful family and starting her own law firm. There are not enough besos in the world for you, but just for you, un beso. <3

Julianne Millard


Julianne better known to me as a Ju-Ju Bean or Jules is the little sister I always wanted. We met when I was in 6th grade, and she was in 5th grade. My competitive AAU basketball coach had scouted her and asked her to join our team. In true Jules’ fashion, she was never afraid of taking a challenge and was fiercely confident in her skills. She was the youngest player on the team but was and still is an absolute baller! We quickly went from teammates to friends.

Our first outing as friends was to Classic skating rink. She showed up wearing an oversized Wrestling T-Shirt and I remember asking her “What are you wearing?” to which she replied, “It’s Goldberg, Rock!”. I was there for her when none of the boys asked her to couple skate, and that was the start of hundreds of conversations regarding boys with Jules.

Fast forward to high school when she grew into the beautiful babe she is today with way better fashion sense! Jules and I played every sport together and I was her designated chauffeur. Her dad once told me that he never worried when his daughter was with me, he knew I’d always take care of her and look out for her. I’ve made it a priority to always keep that promise to George! We’d drive around in the purple bug with the best car dance moves and singing at the top of our lungs!

We had so many conversations in high school about what our futures would be. We both knew we’d leave Utah and do big things. She used to dream with me about who our future partners would be. I’m so glad I was by her side when she married the love of her life, Ben and now she gets to be my side as I marry the love of my life! I think Ben and Lance are way better than we could have ever imagined!

We have been through happy times and sad times, but have always been there for each other. I know I can always count on Jules when I need her and whenever we catch up we always have so much to talk about. I appreciate that Jules and I dream big and work hard to make those dreams come true. I always find myself laughing with Jules. I’m so proud of the woman she is and incredibly thankful to call her a friend/sister. Jayhawks for life!

Laura Weaver


Laura and I met in State College, PA our freshman year and we’ve been a force ever since! Both out-of-staters we set out to make the most of our college experience and that we did! We started by making an epic bucket list which included eating our first Philly Cheesesteaks, getting skinny for Spring Break and figuring out what the hype of Canyon Pizza was all about. While the first time we ate Canyon pizza was for a sit-down dinner at around 6pm we quickly learned that it was a late-night delicacy served best with ranch at around 2am. Next, we learned how to navigate the “line” and the rest is history! My early memories of Laura include defining what it means to be a champion, tailgating, concerts and living the true college experience. We had so much fun our freshman year we signed up to be roommates for the rest of the time I was at Penn state … from Nittany Apartments (I Felt A Thigh) to Foster’s Ave (Please use the ramp!) we went from roommates to life long friends.

Laura is one of the smartest people I know. I’ve enjoyed debates with her and not taking ourselves too seriously. I know whenever I hang out with her, we are in for a great night full of laughter and fun. In college I firmly didn’t believe in marriage and said I would not get married. Laura would disagree and adamantly say I would definitely get married and while I wasn’t the first of the Penn State girls to get married …. Laura was RIGHT (it’s in writing). I just needed to find the perfect guy to change my mind about marriage.

Beyond college, we’ve made an effort to continue our friendship despite being on different coasts. Laura is always willing to pick me up from the Philly airport and take me on an adventure. Together with Christina, Sammie, Kelly, and Ellen we’ve done a great job of staying in touch despite marriage, kids, dogs and all that life has brought us. While we’ve grown out of some of our crazy college partying, we still know how to have a good time!

I am so thankful to Laura for always supporting me, encouraging me (sometimes when I probably shouldn’t have been encouraged) and always having my back. I am so lucky we were randomly assigned to Snyder Hall. ALRIGHT OKAY ALRIGHT OKAY enough with all the sappy stuff … I can’t wait to get D-U-R UNK drunk with you in Mexico … We Are!

Ditsy Pro


Meredith Pro known lovingly by her friends and family as Ditsy is an amazing person. I am lucky enough to be within her circle of friends who have the privilege to call her Ditsy and it is an honor. Ditsy’s loyalty and love for her friends is unmatched. She has been one of my biggest supporters and I can always count on her for anything I need. She is a badass lawyer and I feel bad for those that have to oppose her. She can rock a skirt suit like no other, but her passion for the law is as fiery as her red hair! A force to be reckoned with!

We met at California Western and became the close friends we are today when we decided to live together our 3L Year. We secured a 3 bed/3 bath apartment in little Italy and became the social center of Law school over the next two years. Once, to take our minds off getting our Bar results, we decided to go shopping and watch a movie. We selected one of the longest/most boring Leo DiCaprio movies and were late to read our scores. Most of our families and friends were nervous because they hadn’t heard from us, but as soon as we got home, we checked to see that we both passed. I still remember her coming down the stairs to celebrate and the sheer joy we both had!

Time seems to fly by anytime I’m out dancing with Ditsy or drinking a glass (or 2 or 3 or …) of wine with her. Our friendship grew from cokes and scratchers at 7-11 on Sunday mornings, movie sessions in the Den, so much college football, and pizza delivery at 9am to the relationship we have now. We’ve gone from friends to your beautiful son Antonio calling me Aunt Rocki, making us family. I could not dream of a better person to know and love and I’m so thankful Ditsy will be by my side on my wedding day.

Jaclyn Dry


Jaclyn better known to me as Wacie or Jacie is one of my favorite Boss babes! I met Jaclyn in San Diego shortly after graduating law school. We played on a Vavi softball team together and she is the softball queen, an absolute ringer! Jaclyn is super athletic and there is not a sport she can’t pick up. We bonded over our competitiveness, and our enjoyment of being part of a team. She brings so much spirit and fun to anything she does. Win or lose at softball, we always partook in Taco Tuesdays in old town, where Jaclyn and I found something else we have in common, a love for margaritas and Tequila!

In the years I lived in San Diego, Jaclyn and I became very close. She is an epic hostess, often inviting me and others over for 4th of July parties, wine sessions or for girls’ night. My fondest memories are of us growing into our careers. We would frequently meet for dinner and vent over our situations and triage how we would make our next career moves and continue to grow. Jaclyn’s always supported me as I’ve grown in my career and is always down to celebrate a promotion.

Through hard work, we’ve been able to grow into the boss babes we are today! Jacyln is the owner/founder/designer of multiple businesses. My favorite memory was telling Jaclyn, while she was at the Fashion Institute of Technology in LA, when you become a famous designer please design a shoe that feels like I’m walking on clouds … and that she did! I admire her drive to continue to grow and her ability to enjoy the fruits of her work. I’m thankful Jaclyn is always down for a fun vacation or epic adventure. We always have a good time together and I know the wedding will be no exception. I am so thankful to have Jaclyn as a friend.

Justin Johnson-Vegas

Best Man

My brother from the same mother! Some call him, "JR;" some call him "Vegas;" a few call him "Awkward." Now, he'll forever be known as my "Best Man!"

The more artistic and creative of the two of us, Justin shares his passions with the world as a rap artist, Twitch streamer, and podcast host, all while working a day job. Too bad for me he also got the athletic gene to go with the looks, wit, and charisma - I'll never forget when he tied me in the three-point shoot out at the DAFB Youth Center. The better memory is when he threw me the perfect alley-oop for a dunk on Dad in a pickup game in Tampa!

We've connected over sports, movies, music, jerk chicken and so much more. Sometimes, we can even finish each others sentences. I know he'll always be there for me, no matter how crazy the situation, like that time he grabbed the medical book to figure out the best treatment after I burned my leg. He was just 13 years old, but had the poise of a parent in the face of chaos. That's the Justin I know and love and can always count on.

... give me a high five!

Anthony Lam


No one on the planet knows Rocki better than Anthony. The significance of his trust in me to love, support, and care for his baby sister is not lost on me. Rocki always spoke of Anthony with such reverence, and I've been able to see why over the last few years as I've gotten to know him. He's fiercely loyal, and never hesitates to help someone in need.

Rocki and I often laugh about the similarities we see in Justin and Anthony, sometimes saying that they would probably be close friends if they lived in the same city. Now, I'll get to call him my brother, too. Along with Corey, Misty, and Shawn, I'm excited to add Anthony as a sibling.

I feel like I can talk to Anthony about anything, literally anything. I haven't found a topic he isn't well-read about. He'll always be my #1 draft pick for any trivia competition, and he's quickly becoming my go-to for advice when it comes to anything electronic or tech-forward.

I look forward to building great memories together!

Carlos Rascon


The Johnny Drama of our Entourage. Carlos and I met 20 years ago as sophomores at Penn State, randomly assigned to live with each other in Ewing Hall, along with Eric and some guy named "John." We were assigned to a converted study hall, and two of us were offered to switch to a traditional dorm room a few weeks into the semester. John left, but Carlos, Eric, and I had formed such a strong bond in that first month that none of us wanted to leave. We ended up making it our home for the next seven months and upgraded from John to Jon, Eric's best friend who frequently visited on weekends, and the Entourage was born (before the show even aired).

Carlos and I bonded over our love for basketball and soccer and family values. He let me practice my Spanish while talking to his parents on speaker phone and always came back with the best homemade salsas his mom would make for us. From the beginning, I've admired his drive - He said when we met that he wanted to be an aerospace engineer, and now he manages an engineering organization for Boeing.

Some of my best memories with Carlos are on the basketball courts at the IM Building at Penn State where he'd go from Eduardo Nájera on defense to Jason Williams on offense, bringing the razzle dazzle, behind-the-back moves and flashing passing. And there's that one left-handed alley-oop he threw me before staring at his left hand with a huge smile the whole way back down the court.

I've come to really admire Carlos as he's built a beautiful family and partnership with Kristin while achieving his career goals. He made me a permanent member of his family by asking me to be his son's godfather, an honor I'll forever cherish.

Jon Denny


The Turtle of our Entourage. Jon and I met 20 years ago when he came to Penn State to visit his best friend, Eric, my new roommate. He visited so often that he essentially became a fourth roommate to Carlos, Eric, and myself, eventually making it official when he moved to State College a couple years later. We quickly became a four-man wrecking crew, and the Entourage was born (before the show even aired).

JD persevered through a bunch of life challenges that I was fortunate to not experience myself, but Jon was really open with me about what was going on and his journey as a Christian through it all. Despite very different upbringings and life experiences, we were able to build a strong connection as brothers in Christ. He still got his Turtle on as a party animal at Penn State, but we always held each other accountable to the right life standards.

Another basketball memory stands out when I think back on fun times with JD. Standing at 4'11" wearing heels, no one expected anything from this former high school wrestling champ when I brought him with me to play pickup bball one Friday. The IM building had three courts, with Court 1 serving as the place for serious competitors only while the others were more for fun. Someone on Court 1 asked me to join their team to play next as soon as we walked in the gym. I told them that I'd only play if they made room for my boy, Jon, too. We were on the court ballin' a few minutes later when Jon sent the crowd into a frenzy when he wrestled the ball away from someone and threw me the perfect alley-oop from half court!

That's what I love and admire about Jon. He consistently defies the odds and will challenge any Goliath. I watch him now as he instills these values in his children, and I hope to be a father who can do the same one day.

Eric Knoblauch


The Eric of our Entourage. fittingly. Eric and I met 20 years ago as sophomores at Penn State, randomly assigned to live with each other in Ewing Hall, along with Carlos and some guy named "John." We were assigned to a converted study hall, and two of us were offered to switch to a traditional dorm room a few weeks into the semester. John left, but Carlos, Eric, and I had formed such a strong bond in that first month that none of us wanted to leave. We ended up making it our home for the next seven months and upgraded from John to Jon, Eric's best friend who frequently visited on weekends, and the Entourage was born (before the show even aired).

Eric and I bonded over our competitive spirit, passion for debates, and eventual infatuation with poker. E invited me to spend Thanksgiving weekend with his family when it was a little too costly and difficult to visit my own in Tampa. I liked how Eric would challenge my ideas and beliefs while always welcoming different perspectives and being open to changing his own.

E was a wrestler, something I never had any interest in, especially given it conflicted with basketball season. I figured it couldn't be that hard, but I'll never forget that moment when I came to appreciate how good of athletes wrestlers really are. Outweighing E by about 30 pounds at the time, we had a wrestling match on the mat in his basement, and I couldn't take him down. No matter how hard I tried, he swiftly avoided any attempt and his surprising strength kept me from overpowering him. When I was dead tired, he was ready for more.

Now, I've come to look up to Eric for his relentless pursuit of personal development. He's grown into the most empathetic and loyal friend I have.

Chris Dobbins


Most of our friends from the past 20 years know Chris as Lance's cousin. Actually, some of you might be learning for the first time as you read this that Chris and Lance aren't actually cousins. They grew up as close friends and neighbors in Dover Air Force Base housing. Basketball and fun times at the Youth Center combined with meaningful growth as a part of the church Youth Group (PY... OC!).

When Chris was deciding between attending Penn State University or University of Maryland for college, he visited Lance at Penn State. Lance told everyone that his cousin was coming to visit to signify the closeness of their relationship as he asked them all to show Chris a good time in hopes to sway him toward central PA. It worked, and Chris was back on campus 5 months later as a freshman, where everyone remembered him as Lance's cousin. It stuck, and Lance couldn't be prouder to be considered an extended member of the Dobbin's family.

Chris befriended Rocki when she moved to San Francisco in 2017, often inviting her to boys' night with the fellas and watching all the Penn State football games together at Monahagn's. By the time Lance moved to SF two years later, Chris and Rocki had a well-established friendship. We've grown closer through double dates with Chris and Lindsay, and pandemic park beers with our SF circle of close friends.

Chris is someone who knows us well as individuals, who has also witnessed and invested in our relationship as partners, and his spiritual faith aligns with ours. What an honor it will be to have Chris officiate our wedding!